Renewing Your Restaurant Licence 2019 Application Process
It’s that time of year again where restaurant owners begin the task of applying for their new licences for 2017-2018.
The items required are as follows - (source- www.courts.ie)
- Notice of Application stamped with €150.00
- Statutory Declaration of service on all notice parties, to include the fire authority in the case of new applications
- Notice of Application to include a description of the intoxicating liquor licence attached to the premises
- Where a new applicant is making the application, a set of plans/planning permission/architects certificate of compliance are required to be lodged with the document
Disability access certificate where applicable
HSE food hygiene certificate where available
- Relevant company documents (if applicable). Memorandum and Articles of Association showing the objects clause and an up to date company printout showing the names and addresses of the current directors and an ordinary resolution authorising director/s to make the application on behalf of the company.
Note: company documents to be lodged should comply with the requirements under the new Companies Act, 2014 if applicable.
- Where an application for a Restaurant Certificate pursuant to Section 12 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act 1927 was granted in the Circuit Court in the last 12 months please supply a copy of the Circuit Court Certificate or a letter stating when the application was granted in the Circuit Court.
The date for applications is available through the Courts website on the following link - http://www.courts.ie/offices.nsf/lookuppagelink/DE8C5C1BEECE1ABA80256E77006247EB